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Re: [MacPerl] Using ' instead of :: as the package separator

>I was wondering why so many people in the MacPerl world use the single-quote
>instead of the double-colon as the package separator.  Is it just a needless
>historical relic from the Perl 4 days, or is there some style guide out there
>that I don't know about?  David's certainly not the only person who does it.
>I suppose it fits with the .pl extension on libraries and the require()ing
>thereof. =)

Needless historic relic from Perl4. StandardFile.pl is depricated in 
favor of Mac::StandardFile, Mac::Files, and Mac::MoreFiles. In this 
instance, the writer knows about StandardFile.pl, but is either unaware 
of Mac::StandardFile, Mac::Files, and Mac::MoreFiles, or is either 
untutored in their use or afraid to delve into it (due to the repeated 
mantra posted at the bottom of all the toolbox modules (don't laugh, this 
DOES frighten some people off!)).

The old syntax still works, mostly for backward compatibility. However, 
he could have easily have used:

my $dir = StandardFile::GetFolder('Select a folder', "::");

Also note you don't need the '&'.


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