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Re: [MacPerl] Another Question -- about "including"

On Thu, Apr 13, 2000 at 08:37:28AM -0400, Ricky Morse wrote:
> Hi!  I have another question....
> I am working on a .cgi that I am trying to make extensible.  It is a very 
> complex .cgi, and I would like to be able to split it across many files.  
> There are two things I would like to do for this:
> 1) Is there some equivalent of C's "include"?  "use" says that it must 
> take a bareword -- ie, it looks for something in @INC.  I would like to 
> be able to reference code in files that are in the same directory as the 
> .cgi, or some subdirectory thereof.

@INC generally includes the current directory at the end.  You can add the
current directory explicitly with:

use lib '.';

which will add the current directory to the beginning of @INC.

> 2) I have a hash in the main program which matches command actions with 
> the functions that work on them.  That is, I have the following code:
> $approved_subs{'create_form'} = \&create_form;
> $approved_subs{'edit_prefs'} = \&edit_prefs;
> Is there some way that I can do the following (not written in perl)
> include "preferences.pl";
> # in preferences.pl:
> $approved_subs{'my_prefs'} = \&my_prefs;
> ...

You probably want do or require here, rather than use:

do "preferences.pl";
# or
require "preferences.pl";


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