Hi, I use the excelent Mac::Glue to drive Outlook Express from MacPerl. It's so much easier to manipulate text in MacPerl than in AplpeScript.... To genereate a new message I use: my $outlook = new Mac::Glue 'Outlook_Express'; my $to = "laterveer\@mac.com"; my $bcc = "laterveer\@mac.com"; my $subject = "Dit is een test"; my $content = "Test, en nog een test"; my $account = $outlook->obj(pop_account => 'mac.com account'); $outlook->make(new => "draft_window", with_properties => {subject => $subject, content => $content, to_recipients => $to, bcc_recipients => $bcc, account => $account }); die $^E if $^E; This works all very well. I am trying to translate some AppleScript code to Mac::Glue, so I can do everything in MacPerl. I have problems with AS code like ---- if class of the front window is message window then set messageRef to displayed message of the front window else ---- I have tried experimenting with $oulook->prop, but can't get it to work. How can I do this in Mac::Glue? I also have a problem setting my ApplScript/MacPerl script as a Outlook Express mail rule. The Mac::Glue AppleEvents time out. After the timeout the message has been constructed. If I execute the AppleScript (which calls the MacPerl script) directly I don't get any AE timeout. _______________________________________________________________________ Rene' Laterveer <mailto:laterveer@mac.com> # ===== Want to unsubscribe from this list? # ===== Send mail with body "unsubscribe" to macperl-request@macperl.org