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[MacPerl] MacPerl::LoadExternals problem

I am working on a project which involves the inclusion of external
XCMD/XFCNs in a module. Unfortunately, there is a problem involving
the file path supplied to the MacPerl::LoadExternals function that I
have been unable to solve. Here is a short description of the problem:

A simplified test module is named "XCMD.pm". It contains one XCMD in
its resource fork which does nothing more than return a static string
to indicate that it has been entered. It also contains some simple
glue code in its data fork which calls the MacPerl::LoadExternals
routine to make the XCMD available and provides a method for
interfacing to the test Perl program.

The test module is placed in the "site_perl" folder. The contents of
its data fork follow:

	#! perl -w
	package XCMD;
	sub new { return _XCMD() }

A separate test program "uses" the module, calls the method, and
prints the received string. It contains the following code:

	#! perl -w
	use XCMD;
	print XCMD->new, "\n";

When the test program is executed, it executes successfully returning
the following message:

	XCMD entered!

So far, so good.

Now, if the module is to be placed in the "site_perl:Mac" folder and
the following changes made to the module and test program:

	#! perl -w
	package Mac::XCMD;
	sub new { return _XCMD() }

	#! perl -w
	use Mac::XCMD;
	print Mac::XCMD->new, "\n";

When the test program is executed, it fails returning the following message:

	# MacPerl::LoadExternals("Mac::XCMD.pm"): File not found..
	File 'Lulu:Applications:MacPerl Ÿ:site_perl:Mac:XCMD.pm'; Line 7
	# BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.
	File 'Lulu:Desktop Folder:test.t'; Line 2

I have experimented with several different file paths as the
LoadExternals argument. A hard-coded absolute path, i.e.,
"Lulu:Applications:Mac Perl Ÿ:site_perl:Mac:XCMD.pm" executes
successfully. However, I have been unable to find a relative path
which does execute successfully.

A stuffed copy of XCMD.pm is attached for those interested. Any help
in figuring out how to make it all work with the module in an
arbitrary location would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

Joseph A. DiVerdi, Ph.D., M.B.A.
<mailto:diverdi@XTRsystems.com>             970.221.3982 (voice)
<http://www.XTRsystems.com>                 970.224.3723 (fax)
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