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Re: [MacPerl] VCard - Seek and destroy script

At 11:58 -0400 8/11/2000, Chris Nandor wrote:
>    my $count = 0;
>    my $dir = catdir(
>        FindFolder(kOnSystemDisk, kSystemFolderType),
>        "Eudora Folder", "Attachments Folder"
>    );

I see some problems with that portion:

1.  Given a "fresh" Mac containing a Documents folder, a freshly-downloaded
Eudora will put the "Eudora Folder" into the Documents folder.  [So, I
moved my Eudora Folder there some time ago.]  Eudora looks there first.

2.  If Eudora is started by the moral equivalent of double-clicking on a
Eudora Settings file, then it doesn't matter where that file is (or what
its name is)...Eudora does with the folder that file is in what it normally
does with the Eudora Folder it makes (in System Folder or Documents).  [It
can be on any disk volume, including a floppy or ZIP for carrying about.]
This allows (and "always" has, although always here only goes back to about
1993 as far as personal experience goes, and Eudora goes back to the late
1980s) one to create multiple Eudora data file collections.  I have
three...one for work (which uses Bainbridge:Documents:Eudora Folder for
data storage), one for mailing lists, and one for "other".  This keeps my
work mail fairly well isolated from non-work.  [Each Eudora "set" has
multiple personalities defined:  they don't have the same purpose as
multiple sets do.]

3.  Even if the Eudora Folder is in the System Folder, the attachments
folder can be anywhere and have any name, by appropriate manipulation in
the settings dialog (this could be read out of the Eudora Settings file's
resources, but one would still need to find the Eudora Settings file, and
remember it can be on any volume, in a folder of any name at any depth in
the directory tree, and have any name.  To be general, it needs to be found
by Creator/Type  (CSOm/PREF, where the round thing is Oh, not zero).

4.  Although potentially a problem, the next comment is also a good way to
"shield" the occasional "wanted" .vcf from the normal kind.  .vcf files can
be dragged to anywhere on the hard drive.

I would think that it would be easier and more reliable to hard code the
path to where the .vcf files are likely to be, in a global variable set at
the top of seek and destroy scripts.  (Of course, then a CD becomes a bad
venue from which to run the script.)

An alternative would be to put Sherlock to work by hand:

Ask it to find .vcf files.  Then select the unwanted ones in the result
pane and drag the collection to the trash.  Low tech, I know.  ;-)

John Baxter   jwblist@olympus.net      Port Ludlow, WA, USA

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