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[MacPerl] AOLiza (MacPerl in the news!)



First, the story: a guy wrote a bot using AOL Instant Messenger, some AppleScripts, and Perl to respond to Instant Messenges with Eliza.  So I was curious how he did it, and I wrote my own version, since he didn't (yet) make the source available.

He apparently did his with tailing the output of some log files.  I did my original version that way and sent it to the list a few days ago.  Then I figured out I could set AOL IM to execute an AppleScript every time a new IM was received.  So I wrote a little AppleScript that says (where << and >> are « and »):

	on <<event OscrNuIM>> theIM
		tell application "MacPerl" to <<event OscrNuIM>> theIM
	end <<event OscrNuIM>>

Then I have my bot running in MacPerl, waiting for incoming IMs.  At first I used the standard %AppleEvent hash:

    $AppleEvent{'Oscr', 'NuIM'} = \&handler;

The problem was that I would then have to take the incoming Apple event descriptor record and pull out the items and I just didn't want to bother.  So I added handle_event() to Mac::AppleEvents::Simple, which looks similar:

    handle_event('Oscr', 'NuIM', \&handler);

But its handler function is passed a Mac::AppleEvents::Simple object.  So the handler can do:

    sub handler {
         my $evt = shift;
         my @data = $evt->get;

So the new version works pretty well.  Check it out below.  Requires Mac::Glue, Chatbot::Eliza, and a version of Mac::AppleEvents::Simple not yet on CPAN, but linked to below.


#!perl -w

=head1 NAME



Watch silly users talk to Eliza.


I read about this AOLiza thing where someone used AppleScript and Perl
to set up an Eliza bot on AOL Instant Messenger.


I couldn't find the source and wrote my own.  You need AOL Instant
Messenger and MacPerl (with Chatbot::Eliza, Mac::Glue, and the latest
Mac::AppleEvents::Simple).  If Mac::AppleEvents::Simple 0.83 is not yet
on CPAN yet, get it here:


Also, you need a short little AppleScript that contains this:

	on «event OscrNuIM» theIM
		tell application "MacPerl" to «event OscrNuIM» theIM
	end «event OscrNuIM»

Save the script in your Scripts folders and set it as the handler for
"New message arrives" and "message arrives".  Also set your prefs
to open incoming IMs and not require the knock-knock thingy.


use Chatbot::Eliza;
use Mac::AppleEvents::Simple 0.83;  # for handle_event
use Mac::Glue ':all';
use strict;


Create a glue for AOL IM (I called my glue "AOLIM").  Give your
bot the same name as your AOL IM user.  Decide if you want
separate bots for each user that sends you an IM (which makes
the bot seem a bit more reasonable), or to share one for all

Run the script, and leave it running, and enjoy.  You could
use a separate copy of MacPerl to leave it running if you don't want
to dedicate MacPerl to this full-time.


my $aolim	= new Mac::Glue 'AOLIM'; # name of my AOLIM glue
my $botname	= 'MYUSER'; # AOL IM user name
my $separate	= 1; # separate bots for each nick

my(@im_out, %bots);
handle_event('Oscr', 'NuIM', \&handler);

while (1) {
	if (my $im = shift @im_out) {
		sleep(rand 8);
		my($nick, $text) = @$im;
		my $bot = get_bot($nick);
#		print "[$nick] [$text] [$bot]\n";
			screenname => $nick,
			message    => $bot->transform($text),
			sendnow    => 1

sub get_bot {
	my $nick = $separate ? shift : 1;
	if (!exists $bots{$nick}) {
		my $bot = new Chatbot::Eliza;
		$bots{$nick} = $bot;

                # add stuff to Eliza
		for ('asl', 'a/s/l') {
			$bot->{keyranks}{$_} = 10;
			push @{$bot->{decomplist}{$_}}, '*';
			push @{$bot->{reasmblist}{$_, '*'}},
				"I don't tell strangers my age.",
				"I don't tell strangers where I live.",
				"How old do you want me to be?",
				"Female, of course.  Men don't think.",
				"You first.", "23/m/pa", "99/q/mars",
				"33/yes/where should I be?";
	return $bots{$nick};

sub handler {
	my($evt) = @_;
	my @im = $evt->get;
	my $id = $im[0];
	my $text = strip_html($im[9]);
	push @im_out, [$id, $text] if $id && $text;	

# yes, should be improved
sub strip_html {
	local $_ = shift;
	return $_;


=head1 HISTORY

=over 4

=item v1.0.0, Tuesday, August 29, 2000

First version.  Basically just tailed existing log files looking for
new IMs.

=item v2.0.0, Wednesday, August 30, 2000

Rewrite using an Apple event handler (wow, it is cool that AOL IM
does some of this stuff).


=head1 AUTHOR

Chris Nandor E<lt>pudge@pobox.comE<gt>, http://pudge.net/

Copyright (c) 2000 Chris Nandor.  All rights reserved.  This program is
free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
of the Artistic License, distributed with Perl.

=head1 VERSION

2.0.2, Friday, September 1, 2000

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