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[MacPerl] Error in parameter list

First, I'm mighty grateful for the response I'm getting, thanks for being here.

Now, the ultimate goal of my script is to print a bunch of web pages 
without having to click "print" 976 times (plus OK, not to mention 
loading each file).

I've given up on $browser->print(filepath) in NN and IE 4.5, they 
just don't seem to work right, oh well.

$browser->print works OK in IE 5, (i've only tried it for one file, 
though), but I still have to click the OK in print dialog.  Anyway 
around this?

This code here seems like it ought to work:

use Mac::Glue;

my $IE = new Mac::Glue 'Internet_Explorer';


for (my $i = 5; $i<9; $i++) {

	opendir NEXTDIR,"masterpiece:archive:$i:";

	my @files = readdir NEXTDIR;

# 	print @files;
# 	print  "\n\n";

	for my $file(@files) {

=> 0);

		die ("nope! $^E") if ($^E);



my @windows = $IE->listwindows;

for my $wind(@windows) {

	print "$wind! \n";


for my $winder(@windows) {


	die ("nope! $^E") if ($^E);


And it does load up all the pages fine, but nothing prints, and I get 
this error:

# # nope! Error in parameter list / Not an existing volume, and no 
default volume / Bad positioning information / Bad drive number (OS 
error -50), <IN> chunk 1.
File 'Pulp:werken:projects:masterpiece:db :applescript:printem.pl'; Line 43

Which, incidentally, is the same error I get were I to try to print 
each window immediately after opening it.  I'm guessing that perhaps 
this error is being generated because the page isn't yet done loading 
before it's trying to print; is there any way to cause either the 
script or IE to wait until the page is done loading before trying to 
print?  (Short of course an actual sleep() call, which is eventually 
doomed to failure and inefficiency).

Again, thanks for any and all help.


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