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[MacPerl] Merging elements

I'm a bit stuck, and would appreciate any help. I've tried doing this with a
hash containing arrays, two separate arrays, and some other methods that
were even more ineffective. My head is starting to hurt... There's probably
some simple way to do this, I just can't figure it out...

I'm reading in a file with data like this:

  aaa  438287,3231
  bbb  539634,4342
  ccc  558180,43555
  aaa  10878,8678666
  bbb  9274,6546
  ccc  23386,393

where 'aaa' is a key appearing twice, and the two separate pieces of data
(438287,3231 and 10878,8678666) need to be combined into one single piece of
data, represented by aaa, so I'm trying to get the outcome to be:

  aaa  438287,3231,10878,8678666
  bbb  539634,4342,9274,6546
  ccc  558180,43555,23386,393

any help or pointers would be  appreciated...


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