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[MacPerl] help


I have typed in the following script from Learning Perl. I
discarded the flock
function since it is not implemented in MacPerl.  When I run
the script it
shows following error:

</HR># Can't call method "textfield" without a package or
object reference, <> chunk 1.
File '.LC 1:Desktop Folder:scripts:guest.pl'; Line 31

I am unable to understand the problem. Can someone out there
please guide me.


Amitava Basu


#!/usr/bin/perl  -w

use 5.004;
use strict;
use CGI qw (:standard);

### ==========
sub bail {
### ==========
  my $error = "@_";
  print h1 ("Unexpected Error"), p ($error), end_html;
  die $error; }

my (  $CHATNAME,   $MAXSAVE,   $TITLE,   $cur,   @entries,

$TITLE= "Aztec Guestbook";
$CHATNAME = "chatfile.txt";
$MAXSAVE = 100;

open (CHANDLE, "+< $CHATNAME") || bail ("cannot open
$CHATNAME: $!");
while (!eof (CHANDLE) && $#entries < $MAXSAVE) {
  $entry = CGI -> new (\*CHANDLE);
  push @entries, $entry;
seek(CHANDLE,0,0) || bail ("cannot rewind $CHATNAME: $!");
foreach $entry (@entries) {
truncate (CHANDLE, tell (CHANDLE)) || bail ("cannot truncate
$CHATNAME: $!");
close (CHANDLE) || bail ("cannot close $CHATNAME: $!");

print hr start_form;
print p ("Name:", $cur->textfield(
  -NAME =>"name"));
print p ("Message:", $cur->textfield (
  -SIZE => 100));
print p (submit ("send"), reset ("clear"));
print end_form, hr;
print h2 ("Prior Messages");
foreach $entry (@entries) {
  printf "%s [%s]: %s",
  $entry -> param ("date"),
  $entry -> param ("name"),
  $entry -> param ("message");
  print br (); }
print end_html;

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