running this simple script, MacPerl leaks memory like a sieve.. I can barely reclaim any of the 45MB or so I have assigned to Perl .. this wouldn't be so much of a problem, but I have another app that takes around 150 of my 208MB and I NEED that RAM and I hate rebooting all the dang time just to reap unused RAM back ... anyone know whether it's the script or just MacPerl at fault? #!perl # no -w cuz one of the Net:: modules whines about :P # Isn't this fixed YET?? use strict; use MacPerl qw(Answer Ask); chomp(my $do_what = Answer('Update Map and FTP lists and download or just download ?', 'Both', 'Update', 'Download')); chomp(my $user = Ask('Enter Username')); chomp(my $pass = Ask('Enter Password')); if ($user eq '' or $pass eq '') { print 'Exited with no username or password entered'; exit; } if ( $do_what >= 1 ) { { local $^W = 1; use Net::Telnet (); print "Updating files...\n"; my $t = new Net::Telnet(Timeout => 300); $t->open('') or die ("Could not open connection: $!"); # ^^ my shell account, but any will do ^^ $t->login($user, $pass) or die ("Could not log in! $!"); my @output = $t->cmd('~/bin/updatemaps') or die($!); print @output, "\n\n"; my $ok = $t->close; } } if ($do_what == 0 || $do_what == 2) { print "Downloading ...\n"; use Net::FTP; my $curdir = '~/public_html/cgi-scripts/ncrp/input_files/'; my $ftp = Net::FTP->new('') or die ("Could not open connection: $!"); $ftp->login($user, $pass) or die ("Could not log in! $!"); $ftp->type('A') or die ("could not change type! $!"); my @files = ( "${curdir}maps_list.txt", "${curdir}ftpinfo.txt", "${curdir}ftpdirs_full_backup.txt" ); $ftp->cwd($curdir) or die ("Could not change directory $!"); foreach my $file (@files) { $ftp->get($file) or die ("Could not download $file! $!"); print "$file download successful!\n"; } } print 'Update completed.'; exit; -- Scott R. Godin | e-mail : Laughing Dragon Services | web : # ===== Want to unsubscribe from this list? # ===== Send mail with body "unsubscribe" to