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Re: [MacPerl] DBI Question

># DBD::File::db do failed: # Can't locate object method "new" via package
>File 'Primus 8.5GB:Applications:MacPerl Ÿ:site_perl:DBD:File.pm'; Line 461
>the ONLY change I made to this script was changing dbi:RAM to dbi:File
>#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
>use strict;
>use DBI;
>my $dbh   = DBI->connect('dbi:File(RaiseError=>1):')
>             || die $DBI::errstr;
>my $table = 'testTable';
>$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE $table ( name TEXT, sex TEXT, state TEXT )");
>$dbh->do("INSERT INTO $table VALUES ('Joe','m','US')");
>$dbh->do("INSERT INTO $table VALUES ('Sue','f','US')");
>$dbh->do("INSERT INTO $table VALUES ('Bob','m','CA')");
>$dbh->do("INSERT INTO $table VALUES ('Bev','f','US')");
>$dbh->do("DELETE FROM $table WHERE name = 'Bev'");
>$dbh->do("UPDATE $table SET state = 'CA' WHERE name = 'Sue'");
>my $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq/
>     SELECT * FROM $table WHERE name LIKE "%e%" ORDER BY name
>while (my $row = $sth->fetch) {
>     foreach (@$row) {print "[$_] "};
>     print "\n";
>#$dbh->do("DROP TABLE $table");
>Does this mean I need to update IO::File, and if so, to which version?
>Scott R. Godin            | e-mail : webmaster@webdragon.net
>Laughing Dragon Services  |    web : http://www.webdragon.net/

Hi Scott,

first, your call to the connect method is a bit odd. The correct syntax is

    $dbh = DBI->connect($data_source, $username, $password, \%attr);

For the DBI RAM  driver, you should better use

    $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:RAM:','' ,'', {RaiseError=>1}); ,

although it doesn't complain about your version (and that's curious).

Second,  the DBD::File module is not a true DBI driver, but an 
abstract base class for deriving concrete DBI drivers from it. 
DBD::CSV is derived from DBD::File, thus you should use the CSV 
driver for (comma separated values) files. Change the connect method 
call to

     $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:CSV:','' ,'', {RaiseError=>1});

(The testTable file will be created in the current working directory.)

Unfortunately, running your script on my Mac results in the following:

[Joe] [m] [US]
[Joe] [m] [US]
[Joe] [m] [US]
[Joe] [m] [US]
[Sue] [f] [CA]
[Sue] [f] [US]
[Sue] [f] [CA]
[Sue] [f] [US]

which is really not what I expected. Obviously, lines are duplicated 
(take a look at the testTable file). I figured out that there is a 
problem with the DELETE and UPDATE SQL-statements. The following 
solution works for me:

(1) Open the module SQL::Statement (in your site_perl folder)

(2) Locate *BOTH* the UPDATE and the DELETE subs, which both contain 
the following lines (at the end):
       $table->seek($data, 0, 0);
       foreach $array (@rows) {
           $table->push_row($data, $array);
       ($affected, 0);

(3) Change these lines to
       $table->seek($data, 0, 0);
       $table->truncate($data);   # <===
       foreach $array (@rows) {
             $table->push_row($data, $array);
       ($affected, 0);
i.e. change the position of the truncate method call.

Now, your script returns

[Joe] [m] [US]
[Sue] [f] [CA]

as one would expect. Please let me know, if you encountered the same 
error and if the solution works for you.

This is a very odd error and I currently have no satisfying 
explanation for it.  Obviously, it's related to the file system 
(seek, tell, truncate). I've written a test script, that reproduces 
the oddity:

To run the script, first create the test file "Untitled" (don't 
forget the CR after the last line):


Now, the script:

#! perl -w

my @rows;
open (FH, "+<Untitled");

while (<FH>) {
        push (@rows, $_);
        print $_;

shift @rows; # shift header line ('name,sex,state ')

# the following block is what actually happens in Statement.pm
        seek(FH, 15, 0); # position FH after header row at pos 15 (byte count)

        foreach $array (@rows) {
               ### seek(FH, tell(FH), 0); # add this, and everything is ok
               print FH ('new' . $array);

        # truncate FILEHANDLE,LENGTH
        truncate(FH, tell(FH));

close (FH);


Output, not what expected:



Now, add the call to seek in the foreach loop, and everything is ok. 
The output, as one might expect, will be:


I don't know if that is a limitation in MacOS, the MacPerl 
implementation of seek/truncate/tell, the documentation,  or my brain.
Hopefully, someone can clearify things.

Best regards,


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