>>>>> "RJK" == Ronald J Kimball <rjk@linguist.dartmouth.edu> writes: [In explanation of perl -ne'@a=a..z;for$i(0..22){print,last if/@a[$i..$i+3]/x}' ] RJK> /@a[$i..$i+3]/ interpolates @a[$i..$i+3] as join($", @a[$i..$i+3]), RJK> resulting in a regex like /a b c d/. But we need a regex like /abcd/. RJK> One solution would be to set $" to '', but a shorter solution is to use RJK> /x, which tells Perl to ignore the whitespace in the regex. Duh. I want to apologize for such a stupid question. I'm not _quite_ as much of an idiot as I appear. :-} I knew what the /x modifier does, but somehow got to thinking it was doing more than just ignoring whitespace in Ronald's examples even after removing some of the obfuscation. As a small amount of redemption I present the solution I had come up with before Ronald beat me out with his entries. Mine's not as short, ironically uses the /x modifier, and is quite similar to, yet less ingenious than, Ilmari's. But there you go... perl -ne'@a=a..z;print if/@{[join"|",map"@a[$_..$_+3]",0..22]}/x' Hope you have a very nice day, :-) Tim Ayers (tayers@bridge.com) Norman, Oklahoma where I probably should heed the advice "It is better to remain silent and thought a fool, than to speak up and remove all doubt." ==== Want to unsubscribe from Fun With Perl? Well, if you insist... ==== Send email to <fwp-request@technofile.org> with message _body_ ==== unsubscribe