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[MacPerl-Porters] Configure.MPW: request for comments


I have an almost updated version of Configure.MPW that
tries to take care of the task of writing MacPerlConfig.mk
prior to a build of MacPerl.  I am writing to solicit commentary
on a couple of technical points about the content of the

1) the algorithm that I am using to switch between MW and MPW 
compilers is, given the set of MW tools 

    @mw = qw(MWC68K MWCPPC MWLink68K MWLinkPPC);

and the set of MPW tools:

    @mpw = qw(SC MrC Link ILink);

if I find that any are missing from the command path (as determined
via "`Exists {tool}`") then I don't consider that toolset complete
enough to build MacPerl (possibly erroneous, what if someone intentionally
deletes their 68k tools since they'd never want to build fat programs?
Can they still build MacPerl?).  On the other hand, if both sets
of tools are found to be complete then the user is asked to select
from one or the other.  Does this sound reasonable?

2) Under an MPW build I have neither shell variable {CWANSIIncludes} 
nor {MWCIncludes}.  Would it be OK to simply omit the setting of CWANSIInc 
in MacPerlConfig.mk if neither shell variable is present?

The script currently checks to see that the shell variables {SFIO} 
and {GUSI} are set, it also checks to see if folders :XL: and :db: 
exist in the build folder (I presume that "`Exists :XL:`" will still 
work for finder aliases although I have not yet tested that).  It used to 
also check for :macperl:, :AEGizmos:, and :IC: but I take it they are 
no longer or simply not yet a part of the build. (Left in script 
commented out).

Would folks prefer that the invokation folder of a Configure.MPW script
be the perl source folder or the :macos: sub folder?  I suspect the
latter but I simply wanted to confirm.  If there winds up being a :macos:
kit MANIFEST file I may have to alter my "find the MANIFEST" algorithm
a bit depending on initial folder preferences.  Thanks for any feedback.

Peter Prymmer

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