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[MacPerl-Porters] MacPerl and BBEdit Issues

Chris and Mathias, I hear from Jim (and I see the proof now that I am
subscribed to the Perl porter list) that you guys are working on a new

I'd like to take this opertunity to bring backup a couple of issue that
affect people using BBEdit to edit Perl scripts in conjunction with

1) Editing more than one compiled CGI at a time can cause data loss as
MacPerl gets confused about which disk file the cgi text came from and it
ends up writing data to the wrong file. This actually affects anybody
using any external editor to edit compiled cgi files.

2) When doing a syntax check MacPerl writes out a text file of errors and
we parse this into an error browser. Sometimes this works. Sometimes it
doesn't because the text that comes back doesn't quite match what we are
basing our parsing on. This could be solved by having MacPerl return
errors from a comple or a syntax check in a apple event record. Something
like this:

{{kind:error/warning/whatever, file:path to file on disk, line:line in the
file where the error occured, text:the explanatory text of the
error},{another error here}, {another error here}, {etc}}

Christian Smith  |  csmith@barebones.com  |  http://web.barebones.com

He who dies with the most friends... Is still dead!

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