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Re: [MacPerl-Porters] MacPerl and BBEdit Issues

At 18.17 -0400 2000.05.05, Christian Smith wrote:
>I'd like to take this opertunity to bring backup a couple of issue that
>affect people using BBEdit to edit Perl scripts in conjunction with
>1) Editing more than one compiled CGI at a time can cause data loss as
>MacPerl gets confused about which disk file the cgi text came from and it
>ends up writing data to the wrong file. This actually affects anybody
>using any external editor to edit compiled cgi files.

Not just CGI Scripts, but Droplets (and probably Runtimes and other types) too.

>2) When doing a syntax check MacPerl writes out a text file of errors and
>we parse this into an error browser. Sometimes this works. Sometimes it
>doesn't because the text that comes back doesn't quite match what we are
>basing our parsing on. This could be solved by having MacPerl return
>errors from a comple or a syntax check in a apple event record. Something
>like this:
>{{kind:error/warning/whatever, file:path to file on disk, line:line in the
>file where the error occured, text:the explanatory text of the
>error},{another error here}, {another error here}, {etc}}

Right now I think we are just working on the Perl side, not the Mac side
(although perhaps Matthias is working on this stuff too, I dunno); I'll
hold on to this message, though, so they can be addressed when the time

Chris Nandor       |     pudge@pobox.com      |     http://pudge.net/
Andover.Net        | chris.nandor@andover.net | http://slashcode.com/

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