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Re: [MacPerl-Porters] New MacPerl build system now available!

At 18:22 -0700 4/05/2000, PVHP@forte.com wrote:
>Larry Moore wrote:
>> >Does that folder actually exist yet?
>> The first cut was to take the lazy man's route by using (as far as
>> possible) the exisiting 5.004 as a bootstrapper. Worked half-well (enough
>> to build confidence but not enough to get the job done,) so I'm going to
>> take the plunge and try the 5.6.0 only route - .
Tried it - looks like I'll have to use the set-up at the bottom or
something similar for the moment. I'm going to start renaming the
extensions in the 5.004  :MacPerl f: thereby forcing it to use the 5.6
extensions. Might work.

>OK.  I haven't yet pored through the Makefile.mk to even know if it has
>an install target.  I'll look through it.
>> > I thought I had spotted a problem with spaces in paths with the default
>> >Makefile.mk and I wound up relabelling my volume name to get around it.
>> Yes - spaces in  volume names doesn't work with MPW.
>Odd.  I didn't have any trouble firing up the MPW Shell and Directory'ing
>my way around when I did have the space in the volume name.  I know that
>you have to be careful about "{VARIABLES}", {{VARIABLES}},
>"'vol HD:path:names'", and C<quote {VARIABLES}> in MPW but this is the
>first that I've heard that MPW places such a restriction on volume names.  I
>must have missed that in my reading. 

Don't remember seeing it in the docs either but I have scripts that didn't
work until I renamed the second HD from 'External HD" to External_HD".

>I had thought that I had stumbled
>across a problem with a missing "" or double {{}} pair in the Makefile.mk. 
>Thanks for the tip.
>Peter Prymmer

:miniperl -V
Summary of my Perl5 (5 patchlevel 6 subversion ) configuration:
    osname=MacOS_CFM_68K, osvers=7.6, archname=MacCFM68K
    hint=, useposix=true, d_sigaction=
    bincompat3= useperlio= d_sfio=
    cc='SC', optimize='', gccversion=
    ccflags =''
    stdchar='', d_stdstdio=define, usevfork=
    voidflags=, castflags=, d_casti32=32, d_castneg=define
    intsize=32, alignbytes=8, usemymalloc=, randbits=
  Linker and Libraries:
    ld='', ldflags =''
    libc=, so=
    useshrplib=, libperl=
  Dynamic Linking:
    dlsrc=, dlext=, d_dlsymun=, ccdlflags=''
    cccdlflags='', lddlflags=''

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl):
  Built under MacOS
  Compiled at Apr 30 2000 14:45:03
    External_HD:MacPerl:MacPerl Ÿ:lib:

"the universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can
suppose" -  Haldane
Larry Moore  Fergus On Canada N1M 1V7 ljmoore@freespace.net

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