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Re: [MacPerl-Porters] Configure.MPW now available in repackaged format(s)

At 09:31 -0700 23/05/2000, Prymmer/Kahn wrote:
>On Mon, 22 May 2000, Larry Moore wrote:
>> Except that when I ran all.out, it wanted :Dynaloader: dl_mpeix.xs .
>> Strange.
>That is bizarre.

I wish someone would confirm my report. Perhaps there is just some small
set of points I've missed (which when I've understood them,)  the .SC
version of {mini}perl would run successfully when compiled. The .68K
versions are fairly stable.

>> Did you edit writemain so that PPC->MrC and 68K->SC?
>No I did not modify writemain.  I thought the info in MacPerlConfig.mk was
>supposed to be enough.  Apparently that is not so?
>Peter Prymmer

I don't know but the code from writemain as supplied is:

foreach (@ARGV) {
    s/\.o$//; s/\.o\.PPC$//; s/\.o\.68K$//;
    s/ext:(.*):[^:]*/$1/ && next;

Since I'm not using PPC/68K that's not going to match a large set of files.
I thought that replacing those with the extensions actually produced by the
MrC/SC sessions might make sense. I'm flailing and floundering but can take
direction once understood.

"the universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can
suppose" -  Haldane
Larry Moore  Fergus On Canada N1M 1V7 ljmoore@freespace.net

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