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Re: [MacPerl-Scribes] deadlines

At 2:13 PM -0600 3/10/00, David Steffen responded:
>when Rich Morin wrote:
>>Vicki tells me there's a deadline coming up for PerlMonth.  What
>>have we got, folks?
>I have been very busy and thus have been unable to spend much time on the
>MacPerl CGI column I drafted.  ...  I could polish the column without that
>addition fairly quickly, maybe with the promise of a later column ...

David: Go for Part I and Part II. I didn't count the words of the 
draft you posted a few weeks ago, but seems like there'd be enough 

Incidentally, one of the things I liked about your draft was your 
exposition of the three distinct broad uses folks make of 
MacPerl/CGI. One of them is very handy but much under-used*: 
MacPerl/CGI employed not for Internet use, but rather to make use of 
HTML/web browser as cheapo user interface, and http as 
transaction/execution scheme.

I would add to the picture of non-Internet use of MacPerl/CGI, in 
case you hadn't thought of these examples, two other local uses of 
HTML & web browsers:

- kiosks
- slide shows ("PowerPoint(tm) presentations")

MacPerl/CGI-powered dynamic interactive web pages can be used to 
great advantage in both of these functions.

- The strength of Perl instead of the gangly inconsistency of JavaScript.
- live database searching, data input, counter-top product ordering;
- interactive updating of lists, graphs, charts, maps, images during 
- talking to user (or singing! viz. the MacPerl archives);
- etc

Anyway, best wishes for writing/finishing something. I'd certainly 
read a draft if that would help.

* as far as I can tell from discussions on the MacPerl lists.

- Bruce


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