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Re: [MacPerl-Toolbox] How does MacPerl Know to set up PICTenvironment?

At 16.20 -0500 1999.11.03, Stephen Beck wrote:
>How does MacPerl know it needs to set up the PICT environment to
>handle the QuickDraw calls appearing in the draw_it routine?
>I see that using standard programming, things like OpenCPicture(),
>and handles to a PICT object containing QuickDraw calls need to be
>set up before a DrawPicture to actually do the work. Where does
>this get done "under the covers" with MacPerl?

Nothing special happens here in MacPerl.  GetPicture() in MacPerl, just
like in Pascal or C, opens a PICT resource, returning a handle suitable for
passing to DrawPicture().


>Also, if I want to save stuff as a PICT file, is there a way of
>capturing what's done in the draw_it routine, or do I need to
>invoke the MacPerl analogs of all the QuickDraw routines to do this?

I dunno.  Someone else might, I don't do much GUI stuff.

Chris Nandor          mailto:pudge@pobox.com         http://pudge.net/
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