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Re: [MacPerl-WebCGI] MacPerl and WebSTAR

>on 9/7/00 7:02 AM, Thomas Wegner at toms_email@gmx.de wrote:
>>  If you would like to run CGI-scripts on your Mac at home
>What a great answer you've provided here.  I can't wait to find the time to
>try this out!
>BTW, I called the people at WebStar to ask about using their server software
>for developing on my desktop. I asked if I had to pay the full price for
>WebStar if I did not use it to serve pages to the internet. Their support
>person told me that I could download their demo at no charge and it would
>work without limitations for 30 days, afterwhich it would work fine for 2
>hours at a time. After 2 hours the server stops and requires the user to
>anwser a simple question (2+2=?). Supply the answer and the server resumes
>for another 2 hours. Plenty of time to test cgi's. Using WebStar this way
>does not cost anything and provides plenty of time to learn how to shift all
>the gears ;)
>Thanks again for the great lesson Thomas!!
>Bill Stephenson

Hi Bill,

thanks for the flowers ;). While we are at it: It may be of general 
interest that there are still various other Mac servers around. I've 
compiled a list of some good, lightweight, free or nearly free 
servers for the main Internet services:

Web-, FTP- Servers:

Quid Pro Quo 2.1.3 (HTTP-server) -- freeware, my favorite, good 
server side includes capabilities, poor (nearly nonexistent) 
documentation for the freeware version
ftp://ftp.socialeng.com/pub/qpq/qpq2.1.3.bin   (~ 2 MB)

MacHTTP 2.2 (HTTP-server) -- WebSTAR's predecessor, old but still good
http://www.esm.psu.edu/HTMLs/Graduate/SOFTWARE/Internet/MacHTTP2.2.sit (938 KB)

NetPresenz 4.1 (HTTP, FTP and Gopher-server) -- shareware, one of the 
few (noncommercial) FTP-servers around
http://www.stairways.com/netpresenz/index.html  (~ 1 MB)

Pictorius Net Server 1.1 (HTTP, SMTP and POP3-server)  -- freeware, 
supports virtual hosts
PPC : 

CrushFTP 1.0 (Mac) -- shareware, Java-based FTP-server, JFC/Swing and 
of course MRJ must be installed
http://crushftp.bizland.com/    (264 KB)



Apple Internet Mail Server 1.1.1 (POP3 and SMTP-server)  -- free, old 
stuff, but it works fine for testing and development
http://www.esm.psu.edu/HTMLs/Graduate/SOFTWARE/Internet/AIMS-1.1.1.sit (174 KB)

Eudora Internet Mail Server 1.3.1 (POP3 and SMTP-server)  -- 
freeware, Qualcomm bought AIMS  from Apple and called it EIMS
ftp://ftp.qualcomm.com/eudora/eims1/131/eims131.sea.hqx (258 KB)

Stalker Internet Mail Server (POP3 and SMTP-server) -- a flexible 
freeware server with anti-spam features



Macjordomo (List-Server) -- freeware, if you ever want to set up your 
own mailing list ...



RumorMill 1.2.2 (NNTP-(News-) server)	-- shareware
http://www.stairways.com (540 KB)

Some of these servers are covered in the book "Providing Internet 
Services via the Mac OS" by Carl Steadman and Jason Snell, available 
online at http://www.pism.com/. The book is free and somewhat 
outdated (published 1998), but still good.

Happy serving.

Best regards


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