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Re: [MacPerl-WebCGI] DB_File Error Messages

Luc Herren wrote:

>I have run into a problem with a Perl script I'm working on. It uses 
>DB_File and MLDBM, and it works quite well as long as I start it 
>from within BBEdit and the output is sent to a BBEdit window.
>The problem occurs when I integrate the program in a CGI script. ...
>Things get worse when I use the program on longer text files: ... 
>when I use the Mac OS's built in Web server (with the memory 
>allocation increased to the maximum value of 4800k).

Memory management is a weak spot in the MacOS.  There are two other 
places I would suggest increasing memory allocation (in order of the 
likiness of helping, IMHO):

1) The CGI applet.  (It is really a stand-alone mini-application.)

2) MacPerl (which is called by the CGI applet).

-David Steffen-
David Steffen, Ph.D.
President, Biomedical Computing, Inc. <http://www.biomedcomp.com/>
Phone: (713) 610-9770 FAX: (713) 610-9769 E-mail: steffen@biomedcomp.com

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