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Re: [MacPerl-WebCGI] DB_File Error Messages

Many thanks to David Steffen for his suggestion to increase the CGI 
applet's memory allocation. This took care of the crashes.

However, I still get the DB_File Error Messages:

# DB_File::BTREEINFO does not define the method CLEAR File 'Dev:Pseudo'; Line 0
# DB_File::HASHINFO does not define the method CLEAR File 'Dev:Pseudo'; Line 0
# DB_File::RECNOINFO does not define the method CLEAR File 'Dev:Pseudo'; Line 0

These error messages are displayed in both Netscape Communicator and 
Internet Explorer, regardless of whether I use Personal Web Sharing 
or Quid Pro Quo.

Does anybody have an idea about what to do with these? I assume I 
made a mistake somewhere in my script, but I don't know where to look.


>>I have run into a problem with a Perl script I'm working on. It 
>>uses DB_File and MLDBM, and it works quite well as long as I start 
>>it from within BBEdit and the output is sent to a BBEdit window.
>>The problem occurs when I integrate the program in a CGI script. ...

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