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Re: [MacPerl-WebCGI] MacPerl and WebSTAR -- et. al.

About Sat, 9 Sep 2000 07:55:08 -0500, David Steffen wrote:

>>NetPresenz 4.1 (HTTP, FTP and Gopher-server) -- shareware, one of 
>>the few (noncommercial) FTP-servers around
>>http://www.stairways.com/netpresenz/index.html  (~ 1 MB)
>$69.95.  I briefly tried it once a while ago, and it seemed fine. 
>There are times I wish I had the FTP server, but not $70 worth. 
>Also, from what I've read and my hazy memories, QPQ is a more 
>feature-rich web server.

What a difference a couple of years make. I registered Netpresenz (4.1!) 
two years ago via Kagi for $10. I just downloaded the upgrade to 
Interarchy/Anarchie, and checked Netpresenz while I was at it. Lo and 
behold, it is just as you say. 

Agreed about not being feature rich. But I think this was not originally 
really intended for more than experimenting and learning about serving 
the Web, and maybe serving personal sites, the way I read the docs. But 
the sample site they included as documentation was easily worth the $10 
for me. It showed how to set MacPerl up to run cgi among other things. 
For me, it was a good instructional bootstrap. I hope they didn't remove 
it when the raised the price and added the pdf manual.

Joel Rees

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