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[MacPerl-WebCGI] Re: Apache?

>Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2000 08:00:24 -0700 (PDT)
>From: Macman One <power2themacs@yahoo.com>
>Subject: [MacPerl-WebCGI] Re: macperl-webcgi-digest V1 #170
>I have had this problem before with apache. This is a
>WEBSERVER CONFIG ERROR. This becomes obvious after
>looking over your painfully simple CGI script.
>Solution: turn the dial up on the webserver error
>report verbosity. Check your CGI settings in the
>config file. Something is wrong (apache: httpd.conf).

Does Apache come in Mac flavor?  I was under the impression that it didn't...

Ian Cabell - ian@yak.net - There Is More Than One Right Way
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