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[MacPerl-WebCGI] Re: [MacPerl] re: local cgi testing (was Re: newbie question)

Hi Kathy
welcome to MacPerl
>>I am fairly new to Perl, with CGI experience.  I just downloaded MacPerl5.
>>Is there a way to test Perl CGI scripts on Mac OS 8 with MacPerl?  How?
you might want to try looking through the list archives at
http://bumppo.net/lists/mp.html as this question has been asked many times
before, in fact it's probably _the_ singlemost asked question, closely
followed by "Isn't this in a FAQ somewhere?" ^_^

>If you want to ask a question to the list, send the message to
mailing this exact type of question to that address will probably only get
a few polite reminders to mail CGI related stuff to
macperl-webcgi@macperl.org. I believe it was Machiavelli who said, 'Stia in
guardia ai cambiamenti, siccome si tirano dietro l'un l'altro (beware of
change as one change leads to another)', while inferring no judgements of
what was before and what came after, the ex USSR and the MacPerl  mailing
list gestalt entity are two prime examples ^_^  (anyone for
'left_handed_binary_packers@macperl.org' ;>).

A thorough listing of what mailing lists exist and  what subject they deal
with can be found here:



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