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Re: [MacPerl-WebCGI] Pop-up requester [and other JavaScript uses]

Re-read this while cleaning out my mail box so I can re-partition and 
install the development tools with public beta. Just had to respond to 
something here.

On Thu, 10 Aug 2000 at 21:12:38 -0700 Bruce Van Allen <bva@cruzio.com> 

[ ... ]
>Perhaps also I am out of date as a JS abstainer; however, there seem 
>to still be plenty of indications that the primary shortcoming quoted 
>above is alive and well: "JS doesn't have a standard implementation 
>across browser versions and brands." Not even backward-compatible 
>with itself.
>In my professional work, I'm one of those who feel that the greatest 
>Web sin is non-universality. In the niches in which I do CGI 
>programming, most stuff done with JS is a waste of cycles.
>As a web user, I'm turned off by coder self-indulgence; even more so 
>by greed dressed up as "cool." But, always consider the source: I 
>don't have a car or TV, either...

That rather lends weight to your opinions as far as I'm concerned, Bruce.

>Others might have opinions/experience to share, although this could 
>quickly go off-topic.

And I guess I just took it off topic.

Joel Rees

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