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Re: [MacPerl-WebCGI] Paying the cookie troll

On Mon, 11 Sep 2000 15:46:50 -0600 Shelly Spearing <shellys@lanl.gov> 
wrote (among other things):
>And a mac-web-but-non-perl question:
>When I download these pdfs (thus far manually), expander 5.5 opens 
>and asks me where I want to store something that it never creates. 
>The filetype is "TEXT" and the creator is "SITx". I can manually open 
>them in acrobat and then they "learn" what they really are--pdf 
>files. I wrote a script to fix the filetypes, so I'm not too worried 
>about it, BUT, it seems to me that there's something wrong. 
>Netscape's garbage collector does a wonderful job of deleting all of 
>the newly downloaded files when you quit, so forgetting to run the 
>script (which also moves the files) can be costly. My guess is that 
>it's the MIME types not being set correctly on the server. Is this an 
>artifact of my having Stuffit Expander as my default helper? Does 
>anyone else out there encounter this same behavior? When I asked the 
>GPO web support folk about it, they said that their site doesn't 
>really support Macs. Humphhhh. My mac-sensibilities are a bit 

I have the same problem with Netscape. It apparently ignores much of the 
internet configuration control panel. I have tried digging into the 
helper settings in Netscape (4.7), but the settings are incomplete. Then 
stuffit expander (which doesn't cooperate with older versions of stuffit 
deluxe, darn it) is doing something funny with files it shouldn't be 
touching. Not that I would expect any better. File extensions do double 
duty (type and creator both!) and are not very standardized.

Joel Rees

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