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Re: [MacPerl] imagemap.pl

We are using plexus as http server so everything in it is written perl
iincluding ISMAP handling. I hacked the file for that so that it
handles rectangular areas, areas specified by a mask and by a mask
inside a rectangle. The mask is constructed from a X11 bitmap by
another perl program, it pays to have a binary format for the mask as
parsing of bitmaps is expensive. Here are the relevant pices of code:

Example of format for the map specification:

      default http://www.su.se/
      rect-bitmask 397 222 62 86 inst.mask sverige.html
      rect-bitmask 616 362 41 43 metro.mask tunnelb.html
      rect-bitmask 115 442 40 33 SL.mask tider/TillSthlm.html
      rect-bitmask 397 528 40 33 SL.mask tider/FranSthlm.html
      rect-bitmask 445 178 86 45 hus5.mask elevsal/elevsalar.html
      rect 0 0 683 558 http://www.su.se/

Internal plexus file for handling of requests, lots of perl4-isms:
# decode.pl -- image selection decoder
# decode.pl,v 2.8 1993/08/31 18:18:14 sanders Exp
# Chris McRae <mcrae@ckm.ucsf.edu>, May 1993
# bitmasks added by Tony Sanders <sanders@bsdi.com>, June 1993
# rect-bitmasks added by teke
# This is the support code for decoding images.
# FYI about bitmasks:
#   For large images using masks you'll want to scale the mask by some factor
#   depending on how accurate the results must be.  It would be better to
#   have a ppm style mask with each "color" being a different object.  If
#   you write this let me know.  Currently you need a mask for each object.
#   The code doesn't currently support this.
#       map_handle pixmask pixmap_file color1 URL1 [menu desc]
#       map_handle pixmask pixmap_file color2 URL2 [menu desc]
# &do_decode -- decides what to do (rectangle decoding is built-in)
# &region -- front end to &loadmask and &pixel that caches bitmasks
# &loadmask -- reads the image file into memory
# &pixel -- test if a pixel is set, image must already be loaded by &loadmask
# &rnd -- internal routine for &loadmask for rounding up to nearest byte
# XXX: executable URLs
# XXX: scaled bitmasks

# Example config lines:
# $map{'decode'} = '&do_decode($path, $query)';

sub do_decode {
    local($map_handle, $query) = @_;
    local($_, @lines, @menu) = (defined($query) && $query);
    local($X, $Y) = split(',', $_);                     # unpack $query: x,y
    local($map_config_file) = $plexus{'decode_config'};
    local($title) = "Object menu for image: $map_handle";

    MAP_OPEN: {
        # extract lines from MAP for this object ($map_handle)
        @lines = ();
        &open(MAP, $map_config_file) || die "$map_config_file: $!";

        while (<MAP>) {
            (/^\s*$/ || /^\s*#/) && next;
            $map_handle ? s/^\s*$map_handle\s+// && push(@lines, $_) : push(@lines, $_);
            if (s/^\s*config-directory\s+//)
                $map_config_file = "$_/$map_handle";
                $map_handle = undef;
                close MAP;
                redo MAP_OPEN;
        # map_handle default URL
        # map_handle title default_title_for_automenu
        # config-directory map_config_directory
        # map_handle config-file map_config_file
        # map_handle rect-bitmask bitmask_file x y width height URL [menu desc]
        # map_handle bitmask bitmask_file width height URL [menu desc]
        # map_handle rect x y width height URL [menu desc]
        foreach (@lines) {
            split;                                      # into @_

            if ($_[0] =~ /default/i) {
                return &url_location($_[1]) unless defined($query);
            } elsif ($_[0] =~ /title/i) {
                shift @_; shift @_; $title = join(" ", @_);
            } elsif ($_[0] =~ /config-file/i) {
                # redirect to another file
                &error('internal_error', "too many lines for $map_handle in $map_config_file")
                    unless $#lines == 0;                # only one allowed
                $map_config_file = $_[1];
                redo MAP_OPEN;
            }  elsif ($_[0] =~ /rect-bitmask/i) {
                # decode by rectangle and bitmask
                local($x, $y, $w, $h, $bitmask,$URL) = @_[1..6];
                unless (defined($query)) {
                    splice(@_,0,7,());                  # delete 0..7
                    push(@menu, join(" ", ($URL, @_))); # rest is menu text
                if (($x < $X) && (($x+$w) > $X) &&
                        ($y < $Y) && (($y+$h) > $Y)) {
                    &region($bitmask, $w, $h, $X - $x, $Y - $y) && return &url_location($URL);
            } elsif ($_[0] =~ /bitmask/i) {
                # decode by bitmask
                local($bitmask, $w, $h, $URL) = @_[1..4];
                unless (defined($query)) {
                    splice(@_,0,5,());                  # delete 0..5
                    push(@menu, join(" ", ($URL, @_))); # rest is menu text
                # XXX: Need to embed width and height in the mask file
                &region($bitmask, $w, $h, $X, $Y) && return &url_location($URL);
            } elsif ($_[0] =~ /rect/i) {
                # decode by rectangle
                local($x, $y, $w, $h, $URL) = @_[1..5];
                unless (defined($query)) {
                    splice(@_,0,6,());                  # delete 0..6
                    push(@menu, join(" ", ($URL, @_))); # rest is menu text
                if (($x < $X) && (($x+$w) > $X) &&
                        ($y < $Y) && (($y+$h) > $Y)) {
                    return &url_location($URL);
    # No $query or nothing found -- this menu will only contain
    # the elements in the last config file read.
    &MIME_header('ok', 'text/html');
    print "<HEAD>\n<TITLE>$title</TITLE>\n</HEAD>\n";
    print "<BODY>\nYou can select one of:\n<UL>\n";
    foreach (@menu) {
        split(" ", $_, 2);
        print "<LI> <A HREF=\"$_[0]\">$_[1]</A>\n";
    print "</UL>\n</BODY>\n";

sub rnd { local($value, $incr) = @_; ($value + ($incr-1)) & ~($incr-1); }

sub loadmask {
    local(*image) = @_;
    local($bits);       # because perl can't sysread into $image{'bits'}
    $image{'scanlen'} = &rnd($image{'width'}, 8);       # whole bytes
    open(BITS, $image{'filename'}) || die "$image{'filename'}: $!";
    sysread(BITS, $bits, $image{'scanlen'} * $image{'height'} / 8);
    $image{'bits'} = $bits;

sub pixel {
    local(*image, $x, $y) = @_;
    local($offset) = int((($y * $image{'scanlen'}) + $x)/8);
    local($byte) = unpack("c", substr($image{'bits'}, $offset, 4)) & 0xff;
    return (($byte & (1<<($x%8))) != 0);

$imgatom = "img000";                            # generate unique names
%imgatom = ();

sub region {
    local($file, $width, $height, $x, $y) = @_;

    # cached?
    defined($a = $imgatom{$file}) || do {
        $a = $imgatom{$file} = $imgatom++;              # string increment
        eval "
            \$$a{'filename'} = \$file;
            \$$a{'width'} = \$width;
            \$$a{'height'} = \$height;
        die $@ if $@;
    return eval "&main'pixel(*$a, \$x, \$y)";

Program converting an X11 bitmask to binary format used by pixel:

$/ = undef;

$bm = <>;

($width,$height,$bitimage) = $bm =~ 

$bitimage =~ s/,\s*0x//og;
$bitimage =~ s/^\s*0x//;
$bitimage =~ s/,?\s*$//;

print pack("h*",$bitimage);