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[MacPerl] CGI-created files aren't found

First time post here... forgive the newbiness. :)

I have a cgi MacPerl program that appends to an existing file -or-
if the file doesn't exist, it creates the file and adds to it.
The program does this part okay.

After the file is updated, I want the web-user to go right to the
file, so I have   print "Location: http://somewhere/file.txt\n\n";
When I use this method, it doesn't work! The (WebStar) server says
that the file doesn't exist. I can only get to the file if I type
in the URL again. (Hitting reload in Netscape isn't working for this.)
I'm running 5.0.6 (oops I thought i had 5.0.7), not sure what type of
PowerMac I'm running it on, sorry.

In other non-related problems... The MacPerl program runs once someone 
accesses a cgi program. The program continues for 5 minutes, and then 
exits, but the MacPerl program continues to run. Is there any way to 
make it quit to? (Luckily MacPerl isn't a memory-pig, so it's not a major 
problem... just curious...)
                                        (the quite unworthy) Julia

           I       M       Z       A       D       I       !
        Julia Marie Victoria Weatherby      Campus Mail Box 695
        jweathe@acad.stedwards.edu      St. Edward's University
        http://www.peak.org/~weathej/   3001 South Congress Ave
             God blessed Texas!             Austin, Texas 78704     