I know I must be missing something simple, but the following script is not working for me. The script should read the file names in a folder and normalize them with substitute and rename. The script runs without incident, but the files are not renamed. Can anyone help me with this problem? ===Russell Erik Johannesson [russell@critpath.org] ______________________________________________________________ #!perl # Note: This program renames files to eliminate # spaces before and after hyphens and dashes, and # replaces varies dashes and hyphens with em-dashes. $dir='Macintosh HD:Sample Folder:'; print "$dir\n"; opendir(FOLDER,"$dir") || die "I could not open this folder:"; @files=readdir(FOLDER); for (@files) { $oldname=$_; s/(.*)\s+[-QP]\s*(.*)/$1Q$2/; s/(.*)\s*[-QP]\s+(.*)/$1Q$2/; print "$oldname\t$_\n"; rename($oldname,$_); } closedir(FOLDER);