>When I run the program, it errors out on the first line with: > ># syntax error, next 2 tokens "bobparks@wired" >File 'js:Programming:Perl:Majordomo'; Line 1 ># Illegal octal digit, next char ^? >File 'js:Programming:Perl:Majordomo'; Line 26 ># Execution of js:Programming:Perl:Majordomo aborted due to compilation >errors. > > >and the line that is causing the problem is: > >"Bob Parks" <bobparks@wired.com> has been added to serial-quotes-digest. Sorry. I'm just a chowderhead. When I saw the open dialog box I was assuming it was asking for the file I wanted to use. Instead I was selecting which MacPerl script to use. I was trying to run the data file. - Jeff - _______ <jeff@trg.saic.com> (Jeff Shepherd) Dance ShepWeb: <http://trg2.saic.com/~jeff/> to Live!