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Re: [MacPerl] Q: State of the App (Art ;-) - Compatibility?

At 8:49 AM  +0200 6/14/96, Holger Skok wrote:
>I've recently begun using MacPERL again on my new machine - PMac 7200.
>Since I've been experimenting a bit (Plaintalk, Cyberdog and other
>games) I've been getting some crashes. I now would like to make
>sure they're NOT related to MacPERL.
>Does MacPERL 4 - latest version - get along fine with the modern
>memory manager?

When I was using MacPerl 4, if I ran it and then quit it, my machine would crash the next time I tried to open or use Netscape.  If I left it running, it was OK.  So, there is probably some sort of problem (my machine is a 7100).  I haven't seen that behavior with MacPerl 5, either with or without OpenTransport.

Tom Holub (tom_holub@ls.berkeley.edu)
Letters & Sciences Computer Resources
455 LSA (510-642-9069)