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Re: [MacPerl] server push


I hate to continue a subject that is obviously not high on many people's
lists but the statements:

>Just use Frontier. It is _soooo_ much easier to deal with this in Frontier.
>webstar.sendPartial ( data, connectionID, true )
>would send a chunk of data to webstar and leave the connection open.

mean nothing to those of us developing with PERL for portabillity. Unless
some beknighted soul has gotten Frontier and Mac Scripting to work on a
Windows NT machine there is no easy solution here.

If ANYONE has ANY working version of a server push using MacPERL running I
will pay hansomely for the code. I need it to test our scripts on our Mac
server before moving them off to the NT server.

Thanks, and I'll try not to 'push' this subject again.

Paul Hardin
AOG Software