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re: [MacPerl] File too large

trpplj@quick.net (DaMac) writes:
} Can anyone tell me how I can open a perl script that is about 1322 lines
} long?  I keep getting that dreadfull error message that the file is too

Sure, use a good text editor like Alpha or BBEdit. MacPerl is
complaining because the file is > 32k long, a built in limit in Apple's
text editing routines.

} large.  The script has a lot of comments, but I don't really feel like
} taking them out, since it shouldn't matter.

You'll notice that the error message tells you that MacPerl will still
save the file as a droplet or runtime.  Edit the file elsewhere, then
do what you need to with MacPerl.

} I have allocated 15Megs of RAM to MacPerl and it still does it.

Yes, because this has nothing to do with the problem.

} Thanks,
} Thai Nguyen
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