PVHP@LNS62.LNS.CORNELL.EDU writes: } } In a similar vein I have a problem with the following web page retriever & } optional viewer. It employs a silly little DoAppleScipt call that I would like } to avoid (script slows down noticably there BTW): } } #!/usr/bin/perl } } my %defaults = ( } "Wilson Lab/CLEO/CESR Entry Page" => 'http://w4.lns.cornell.edu/', } "Yahoo!" => 'http://www.yahoo.com/', } "CUinfo-Home Page" => 'http://www.cornell.edu/', } ); } } my $tmp_folder = 'myMac:tmp:'; } my $browser = "myMac:Netscape Navigator Folder:Netscape Navigator 2.02"; } } my $tmp_folder_slashed = join('/',split(/\:/,$tmp_folder)); } my $localhost = 'localhost'; } my @file_attributes = ("McPL", "TEXT"); } } require "GUSI.ph"; } require "url_get.pl"; # <- this one works on some servers but I will switch } # to maclibwww soon! } } #----------------------------------------------------------------- } } my $quit = 2; } my $decision; } } # <other parts of this script snipped> } } $decision = MacPerl::Answer( } "Fire up a web browser now to look at\n$file\n?", "OK", "Skip", "Cancel"); } if ($decision != 2) { } &MacPerl::Quit($quit); You realize that MacPerl::Quit does not actually quit, but sets a flag that determines what MacPerl does when it hits an exit? You want an exit() here. I usually put my MacPerl::Quit at the very beginning of my scripts. } } } else { } if (!@html) { } $file = &StandardFile::GetFile("Please select a local file:","$tmp_folder"); } } } my $script = } } "tell application \"$browser\"\n". } " GetURL \"file://$localhost/$tmp_folder_slashed/$file\"\n". } " activate\n". } "end tell\n"; } } &MacPerl::DoAppleScript($script); } &MacPerl::Quit($quit); } } } } __END__ } } OK so here are my questions: } } 1) Is there a way to call Internet Config to fire up the browser & look at } the localhost file? Scripting like that would seem to } be more Mac-platform independent (I could then copy script over to boss's } Mac & have it use his favorite browser e.g.) } From what I have seen of Internet Config docs it appears to support only C } function calls and I have not seen any obvious XS code that will allow a } MacPerl call to Internet Config. Did I overlook something? Not that I know of, but you realize that, with the way Applescript works, it'll ask you where $browser is the first time you run it on a new machine anyway? Getting it not to ask is a pain, because, as far as I can tell, you need to use the Script Editor once with the same syntax to get the application selected automatically. You'll wind up hand editing the script anyway. } } This particular application needs to run at a non-busy time each day to } retrieve a web page URL. This requirement leads to my next question: } } 2) How do I write cron jobs in MacPerl? Assuming I call perl builtins like } localtime() & sleep() - Are there any special tricks involved in having a } Perl app "running in the background"? I would assume that leaving a droplet } (or alias) in the system folder would be necessary - does anyone have any } other recommendations? I would like to lower the RAM footprint as much as } possible. } Although you can probably do it in MacPerl, the easiest way is to use one of the Macintosh crons. You can find them in the Info-Mac archives. I like Mark Malson's because of the simplicity of the way it works, but the others have their own features. I cron launch MacPerl scripts several times a day. } FWIW: I am testing this on a PowerMac w/ System 7.5.3 & MacPerl 5.0.7.r1m. } } Thank you. } } Peter Prymmer "clueless newbie MacOS hacker" } pvhp@lns62.lns.cornell.edu } } (Incidentally, I got my Ph. D. in Physics at Cornell. Spent a lot of time in Clark, Newman, and Rocky Barracks, which some know as Rockefeller Hall) --- -------- Paul J. Schinder NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 693, Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA schinder@pjstoaster.pg.md.us