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Re: [MacPerl] MacPerl OSA Component released

>Frank San Filippo <frank@w3-design.com> writes:
>>How would one use this, and for what sorts of applications? I only have a
>>general idea that OSA languages can be used to script any OSA-compliant app
>This is sort of true.
>>-- does this mean we can use MacPerl to directly control apps that have
>>Apple Event support?
>You don't even need the OSA component for that. Plain MacPerl (BigMacPerl for
>68K) already does that (look at the :ext:Mac:AppleEvents:t:AESender.t script
>for a tiny example).
>OSA languages often fill sort of "glue" functions, i.e., the programs do behind
>the scenes work, gluing together capabilities of applications. So you could
>use MacPerl for AppleScriptish tasks, when you don;t want to start the
>MacPerl application just to do a task.
>If you embed MacPerl OSA scripts, it should also be possible to do
>multithreading, although I have to admit that I haven't tried yet. Presumably
>this would make MacPerl OSA useable for somewhat more demanding CGI server
>scenarios than the application. However, the interfaces will be different. If
>anyone is seriously interested in this and knowledgeable about the Frontier CGI
>interface, I'd welcome a collaboration on this point.
>Matthias Neeracher   <neeri@iis.ee.ethz.ch>   http://www.iis.ee.ethz.ch/~neeri
>  "And that's why I am going to turn this world upside down, and make
>   of it a fire so *bright* that someone real will notice"
>                                -- Vernor Vinge, _Tatja Grimm's World_

Well, since I have a vested interest in doing this, I'll be more than glad
to be of help.  Debugging will be interesting, but should be doable.


Dick Munroe                             munroe@acornsw.com
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