At 12:52 AM +0100 on 11/25/96, Ann Galea Baron wrote: }Hi to all, } }I attach a script below for some comments from the more experienced. I }intend it to take a hash %mail and use it to send an email via, the }connection being established within an eval statement to capture any }failure in the connection -- passing control to a general error-reporting }routine if anything goes wrong. It seems to work but I have two }difficulties: } }(a) how can I use to set the email header? All the text I pass } to seems to be going into the body of the email; You prepend it to the body of the email, separated by a single blank line. For example, $smtp->datasend("To: recipient\n"); $smtp->datasend("From: sender\n"); $smtp->datasend("Subject: something\n"); $smtp->datasend("X-header: whatever\n"); $smtp->datasend("\n"); $smtp->datasend("This is a body line\n"); ->to and ->mail don't build any headers, but instead fill in the argument of the SMTP commands MAIL FROM and RCPT TO. For a slightly friendlier way to build e-mail, which gives you control over headers, take a look at Mail::Internet, in the MailTools package. The MacPerl version is at <>. It eventually just uses Net::SMTP to send the mail, but gives a little friendlier interface. }(b) do more experienced eyes detect any major bug in the way I use SMTP? } I have to admit that the script is blindly cribbed and put together } from fragments I have seen on this list and the archive (mostly Paul } Schinder's contributions). It works, but I don't know why :-) } }Thanks in advance, } }Gauden Galea } } } }## ################################################### # }## Connect to SMTP server and send mail # }## ################################################### # } }sub sendMail { } use SMTP; } } my ($err) = "Something went wrong with the mail server; } it could be busy and not responding. } Please try again at some other time."; } } eval <<'TEST'; } $smtp = Net::SMTP->new($mail{'mailhost'}); } $smtp->mail($mail{'from'}) ; } $smtp->to($mail{'to'}) ; } $smtp->data() ; } $smtp->datasend("$mail{'subject'}\n") ; } $smtp->datasend("\n") ; } $smtp->datasend("$mail{'text'}\n") ; } $smtp->dataend() ; } $smtp->quit ; }TEST } if ($@) { &doError ($err) } } }} -------- Paul J. Schinder NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Code 693 Greenbelt, MD 20770