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[MacPerl] MacPerl v5.13r2

Tried the CommConnect.t program which comes with MacPerl
v5.13r2.  Got the following:

# Undefined subroutine &MacPerl::DebugExternals called.
File 'Jedi:Applications:MacPerl D:t:mac:CommConnect.t'; Line 10

from the line which reads:


So I commented the line out thinking that maybe it was a
left-over statement from when Matthias was
editing/debugging MacPerl.  And I got:

Error: unable to prepare for use (InitCM error).
Error: CommConnect was not prepared for use.
Error: CommConnect was not prepared for use.
$$$Error: CommConnect was not prepared for use.

So I was wondering if the line should have been left in
and/or what was the matter with the program itself.  :-)

I'm running on a Mac IIfx using the BIG MacPerl copy
(properly installed after installing the normal MacPerl
release) and 32mb of memory.  Thanks!