In a MacPerl program to do some specialized file cataloging, I have $size = -s $pathname; $info = FSpGetCatInfo($pathname); $finfo = $info->{ioFlFndrInfo}; $cDate = $info->{ioDrMdDat}; $mDate = $info->{ioFlMdDat}; $creator = $finfo->{fdCreator}; $type = $finfo->{fdType}; (some of above code stolen from one of Matthias's tests). My question relates to how to format the creation and modification times $cDate and $mDate. Using localtime($mDate) doesn't give the right value. local($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime($mDate); printf "%02d/%02d/%02d\n", $year, $mon+1, $mday+1; prints 04/01/02 instead of 97/01/37 as desired. While I'm posting ... Is the file size also available in the $info or $finfo structures? i couldn't find where this was documented. ---------------------------------------------------- Barry Wolman Transarc Corporation 412/338-4364 (voice) 707 Grant Street 412/338-4404 (fax) Pittsburgh, PA 15219