Ben S Arnold wrote: > > How does one go about setting up MacPerl for OSA? For Frontier?? I'd like > to be able to call MacPerl from within Frontier, as in something like > MacPerl.doScript, but Frontier, as far as I can tell, didn't come with any > MacPerl verbs, and neither did MacPerl (4.2, 5.1.3 respectively). Also, my > Apple script editor doesn't recognise MacPerlese (it only gives me > AppleScript and UserLand and language options). > > -Ben Use the Script Editor File:Open Dictionary command to open the MacPerl application. You will see that MacPerl includes: Required Suite: Events that every application should support Core Suite: Suite that applies to all applications Class Application: An application program Class Window: A window Class Character: A Character Class Word: A Word many more classes of objects and, finally, MacPerl Suite: Our custom events including Do Script: Execute a Perl script Hope this helps. -- ---------------------------------------- --- Tom Kennedy -- --- ---------------------------------------- Hellrung's Law: "If you wait, it will go away." Shavelson's Extension: "...after having done its damage." Grelb's Addition: "If it was bad, it will be back."