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Re: [MacPerl] OSA-MacPerl, AppleScript & FaceSpan

Ë 12:00 +0100 12/02/97, Michael Schuerig nous disait:

> Is anyone using the MacPerl OSA-component? I'm looking for examples of
> exchanging data with AppleScript and building user interfaces for perl
> scripts with FaceSpan (and AS).
> Michael

I actually tried MacPerl OSA component with the following scripting
environments with a 'hello world' kind of script:

	HyperCard    -> Crashes, crashes, crashes... nothing but crashes.

	ScriptEditor -> Scripts work when ran from the editor.
                        Compiled scripts and applet both crashed.

	Frontier     -> Crashes when running the scripts from the editor.

	FaceSpan     -> Crashes when running the scripts from the editor.

I gave up with the OSA Component, but I am sure something can be done...

Is there anybody out there who had a success story to share!
Help, pleeease!


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