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Re: [MacPerl] Fix for Alpha editor/MacPerl curly quotes bug.

At 11:37 -0800 2/12/97, Nikolaos D. Willmore wrote:
>I found that I have to use chr(211) in place of a right-side curly quote
>(option-shift-[) or the Alpha editor fails to send the script to MacPerl.
>It works fine if you enter the script into MacPerl directly.  The whole
>script fails, even if the curly quotes are in a comment line, so I assume
>it's in Alpha's perl.tcl file.  I did upgrade to the just-posted perl.tcl
>- Nik Willmore

I think this is either an Alpha thing or a general AppleEvent thing.
Anyway, Alpha seems to use curly-quotes to delimit some of the parameters
it sends to MacPerl. A quick fix would be to make Alpha straighten out all
the quotes before wrapping it up for MacPerl. You still wouldn't get curly
quotes in your script, but at least you wouldn't get mysterious failures.

Does anybody know anything about AppleEvents? Is this specific to Alpha? If
not, is there some way to protect or escape curly-quotes? The chr(211)
stuff obviously won't work in all cases.

(On a related note--MacPerl seems to mis-count line numbers if any
commented lines precede the #!/usr/local/bin/perl line. I.e., it might say
there's an error on line 20, but _really_ mean line 25. Is this a bug in
MacPerl or must nothing occur before that line?)

Dan Herron                         UC San Diego Dept. of Cognitive Science
herron@cogsci.ucsd.edu             La Jolla, CA 92093-0515