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[MacPerl] TCP Scripting

Chris Nandor writes:
 >     http://www.scripting.com/frontier/netScripting/tcp/netEventsInterface.html
 > It is an AppleEvents package for AppleScript and Frontier (and other
 > languages that control AppleEvents) for writing/reading TCP streams.
 > And I was thinking, yeah, but you could also just learn Perl ...

Except that NetEvents and Frontier are both multi-threaded, capable of
handing several streams in parallel.

Michael A Stoodt  [MaS]            |
mstoodt@umassd.edu                 | No boom _today_.  Boom tomorrow.
Comp&InfoSci, UMassDartmouth       | There's always a boom tomorrow.
mumble mumble disclaimer mumble... |