At 12.07 97/2/18, alex dosher wrote: >i want to print one char at a time to STDOUT, but print doesn't flush the >buffer until it hits a \n. i seem to vaguely remember that this is >possible, but i can't figure it out; printf "%c" doesn't work (at all - i >get a "Argument isn't numeric in prtf" error) - any ideas? #!perl $|=1; #flush print $x = "This text is cooooooool."; @x = split (//,$x); foreach (@x) {print;sleep(1);} NOTE: this is a general Perl question, not exclusive to MacPerl by any means. Hope this helps, #================================================================ Chris Nandor PGP Key 1024/B76E72AD Keyfingerprint = 08 24 09 0B CE 73 CA 10 1F F7 7F 13 81 80 B6 B6