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Re: [MacPerl] Porting Un*x perl scripts to MacPerl for CGI

At 8:02 PM -0500 3/4/97, Brian L. Matthews wrote:
>Kent Cowgill writes:
>|foreach $FILE (@FILES)
>|    $count = 0;
>|    open(FILE,"$FILE");
>|    @LINES = <FILE>;
>|    close(FILE);
>|[- irrelevant code snipped -]
>|... something seems to break somewhere.
>About the only thing that could go wrong with the above is if $FILE
>can't be opened, or if it's large. You can look for the first problem
>by checking open's return value (which you should always be doing,
>whether things appear to be working or not). You can avoid the second
>problem by processing the file a line at a time, or check for it by
>wrapping the read from the file in an eval and checking $@.

Actually, I found that the problem was with large files.  The files I
thought were slipping through -T were .pdf files, which I didn't realize
until yesterday were actually TEXT files.  Some of the .pdf files in the
directories were > 1.3MB, which I suppose was causing MacPerl to run out of

As far as iterating through each file line by line, I suppose I could do
that; but I'd be concerned about a decrease in speed.  Can anyone tell me
if this concern is justified?

>This probably won't help much, but I have a similar sort of script that
>processes about 4,000 files, 2/3 of them binary, the rest text, and it
>works just fine under both MacPerl and Unix perl. The only consideration
>I give to operating system is to use ':' for the path separator on the
>Mac and '/' on Unix.

Yeah, the way I worked around using "$ls = `ls $file`;" made a few other
things in a few of the other routines break; as a result, I'm going to have
to do twice the work to convert paths into URL's.  Heck, though.  It makes
it twice as fun to learn :)


  Kent Cowgill          .---'''''---...         1 West State Street
  Intersites, Inc.      'i n t e r s i t e s.   Geneva, IL 60134
  .-'-.-'-.-'-.-'-.-'-.      ''''---.....---'   .-'-.-'-.-'-.-'-.-'-.-'-.
  kentc@intersites.com                          http://www.intersites.com/