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Re: [MacPerl] perl->c supporting Mac extensions?

Darrell Berry <darrell@shrine.cyber.ad.jp> wrote
>I know that somewheere out there in the wilds of CPAN is a utility for
>converting perl code to c...
>Has anyone given some thought to doing a Mac version supporting the
>Mac-specific packages, so it would be possible to generate an entire Mac
>app using the new GUI modules, then feed it thru CodeWarrior (for examples
>sake) and generate a full Mac app, interface & all?
>                                                >  d a r r e l l   b e r r y
>                                          http://shrine.cyber.ad.jp/~darrell

SWIG will facilitate the interface - it isn't the compiler though, but,
will let
you write "glue" easier.


>Date: Wed, 26 Mar 1997 23:05:45 -0700
>From: beazley@sol.cs.utah.edu (David Beazley)
>To: swig@cs.utah.edu
>cc: mactcl@sun.com
>Subject: Experimental Mac SWIG Release (2nd attempt)
>Sender: owner-swig@cs.utah.edu
>Precedence: bulk
>Reply-To: beazley@sol.cs.utah.edu (David Beazley)
>I have placed a new binary release of SWIG1.1b5 for the Macintosh online at
>    http://www.cs.utah.edu/~beazley/SWIG/MacSWIG.sea.hqx
>While not perfect, this release is significantly better than the first
>attempt.  Most notably, it now comes with a Macintosh GUI interface
>(written in Tcl/Tk 8.0a2), and uses Mac file dialog boxes (in fact, it's
>really quite usable).   Also included are two examples that extend
>both Tclsh and Wish and the full SWIG user manual in PDF format.
>Installation is easy, just unpack the file and run.
>At this time, "MacSWIG" has only been tested with Tcl/Tk 8.0 using the
>Metrowerks Code Warrior 10 compiler so your mileage may vary.  The
>binary release also only works on PowerPC based Mac systems at this
>time.  More support will be added as time permits, but I think it's
>off to a better start (I've been able to generate a few Tcl extensions that
>work without modification on Unix/Windows/MacOS).
>Dave Beazley
>Department of Computer Science
>University of Utah
>Salt Lake City, Utah  84112
>beazley@cs.utah.edu              http://www.cs.utah.edu/~beazley

          Bob Wilkinson, Perl Programmer, Pindar plc
Tel: +44 (0)1904 613040    Email: B.Wilkinson@pindar.co.uk
Fax: +44 (0)1904 613110    URL: http://www.connection.co.uk/bob
  I don't speak for my employer - er, they made me say that..