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[MacPerl] Acgi glue apple event?

Hi all on the MacPerl list. This is my first actual post to the list, 
though I had sent a message to Matthias who was kind enough to reply.
Here is that letter:

[snipped header:)]
>>I recently downloaded macperl and installed it to run with webstar
>>2.0 as a cgi. I'm using the app, not the mpw.
>>I'm pleased with what I have been able to get achieved so far,
>>but I'm having difficulty with an administrative script
>>which creates another macperl acgi on the fly.
>>  I can't make changes to the current version of the "on the fly"
>>script unless I change its creator back to text from macperl
>>cgi glue.
>>  (terminology probably off there)
>>  Is there a way to save a text code file to a macperl cgi glue
>>file that will run with webstar from within an executing cgi?
>In principle, yes, either by sending MacPerl a "SAVE" AppleEvent or
>by doing some Resource Manager manipulation. If you don't feel up for
>either task, ask on the list; maybe somebody has already solved this.
[snipped sig]

So, here I am asking if anyone has already implemented something like this.
I'll include the admin program and the text file that it reads from

# Redirect_admin.acgi
# Created by Daryl Hawes (hawes@scsu.ctstateu.edu)
# with much help from the macperl distribution and various 
# internet resources.

$eol = "\015\012";

$linkfile = "html_link_file";
$perlcgi = "autoRedirect.acgi";
$shtmlfile = "HardD:WebSTAR:includ:!redirect";

$creator = "ttxt";
$type = "TEXT";
print "$creator , $type $eol";

open(LINKFILE, "<". $linkfile) || die  "Can't open  $linkfile $eol";
open(SHTMLFILE, ">". $shtmlfile) || die  "Can't open  $shtmlfile $eol";
open(PERLCGI, ">". $perlcgi) || die  "Can't open  $perlcgi $eol";

print SHTMLFILE "<CENTER\>$eol";
print SHTMLFILE "<form method=\"get\" action=\"http://www.scsu.ctstateu.edu/cgi-bin/autoRedirect.acgi\">$eol";
print SHTMLFILE "<SELECT NAME=scsu_select SIZE=1>$eol";

&time_stamp ("started");
#&time_stamp("Done at");

$creator = "TEXT";
$type = "ttxt";

# Redirect.acgi
# Daryl Hawes
# simple macPerl script to send users to another page
# on Southern's server quickly
# adapted from sample files included in macPerl distribution.
#NOTE: This file is created on the fly by redirect_admin.acgi.
# Do not make changes to this file. To update this file and
# the associated .shtml include file simply make changes to the
# text file in the same folder called html_link_file and then
#  run http://www.scsu.ctstateu.edu/cgi-bin/redirect_admin.acgi
# This file and ../includes/!redirect will be changed to the new
# settings automatically.

\$eol = \"\\015\\012\"\;

if (\$query = \$ENV{\"QUERY_STRING\"}) 
                    #if there is input - then place it in     
\{                                  #a variable named query$eol 


       # process argument list of files along with any includes


for ($i=0;$i<$SIZE;$i++)
       $full_url = $LINES[$i];
       $descriptive_name = $LINES[$i];
       $code_name = $LINES[$i];

print PERLCGI "if (\$query =~ /$code_name/i) #if the word home is in the input string then:$eol";
print PERLCGI "\{ $eol";    
print PERLCGI "print \"HTTP/1.0 301 Redirect\$eol\"\;$eol";
print PERLCGI "print \"Location: $full_url\$eol\$eol\"\; $eol";  
print PERLCGI "\}                                #redirect the client$eol$eol";      
print SHTMLFILE "<OPTION VALUE=$code_name\>$descriptive_name $eol";

};  #end of for loop

print SHTMLFILE  "</SELECT>$eol<BR><INPUT TYPE=\"SUBMIT\" VALUE=\"Quick Link\">$eol";
print SHTMLFILE "</FORM>$eol</CENTER>$eol";
close (SHTMLFILE);


\}\#End of if query input. If not then just end
else   \#if there was no query information then:
print "Content-Type: text/html\$eol\$eol"\;
print <<ENDHTML\;
The CGI routine you are calling requires input in the url.
Please report the page that you called upon this link from to 
Thank you<BR>




close (PERLCGI);

#sub start{
#local($wday,$yday,$isdst); #don't need these
	#($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) =  localtime(time);
	#++$mon; #correct for zero
	#print ( "-----Run started at $mon\/$mday\/$year - $hour:$min:$secE\n");

print "Content-Type: text/html$eol$eol";
print <<ENDOFHTML;
<font size=+2>Everything seemed to have gone off without a hitch!</FONT><BR>
To be sure check and see if $PERLCGI and $SHTMLFILE have been changed properly.


sub time_stamp{
local ($now_string,$text=$_[0]);

print "\n***\u$text on $now_string\n";
#$creator = "MrPL";
#$type = "APPL";


+++++++++++++++++++++++++end of admin script

A sample html_link_file would simply look like this:


SCSU Main Page
Perl at home
The Yahoo Search Engine

#++++++++++++++++++end sample html_link_file