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Re: [MacPerl] chmod 777

At 14:24 +0900 4/4/97, Kevin Furuta wrote:
>Are mac files automatically read/write/executable? I can set the previous
>settings on a unix box with the chmod command but I am not quite sure about
>the mac.

Files "on the Mac" are.  (Whatever "executable" means for something which
isn't of the right file type.  A Perl script isn't executable...an applet
or a droplet is.)

Files placed on a server follow the rules of the server.  It's the latter
which led to Preference files being written in the System folder (always
writeable) rather than the folder containing the application (not always
writeable).  And the resulting clutter led to the Preferences folder
(always writeable).


John Baxter (Born before ENIAC, but not by much.)
   jwblist@olympus.net      Port Ludlow, WA, USA

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