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Re: [MacPerl] Need to plot

At 10:57 AM -0400 5/6/97, George Michel wrote:
>I have a file that I need to parse for some data and
>display as a 2D x-y graph.  I know of pgperl for unix
>but can this be done with macperl?

The Mac version of gnuplot is Apple event driven and could be used for
this. You get a wide variety of output formats that way. As far as I know,
there is no existing MacPerl module, but it wouldn't be hard to do. I would
like to see something like this, but I don't have time to do it right now.
On the other hand, I will provide technical assistance to anybody who wants
to give it a whirl and is willing to make the results available to the

Now that I think about it, there may be some scraps somehere around here
from when I was playing with MacPerl's Apple event module and used gnuplot
as the target.




David C. Schooley              | "Success is how high you
Ph.D. in progress              |  bounce after you hit
Georgia Tech Electric Power    |  bottom.
mailto:schooley@ece.gatech.edu |   - General George S. Patton

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