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[MacPerl] Processes bug?

I'm getting corrupted output files when I scan the %Process hash. The
following script is the smallest I could devise that exhibits the problem.
I'm new to Perl, so I'm  not sure if this a bug in Processes, or if I'm
doing something wrong.  When I put print statements in the while loops
I see the expected list of processes. "Output" is OK if either iteration
over %Process is removed.  I'm using MacPerl 5.1.4a1.

Maybe this is a related problem: In the debugger, the command 'x %Process'
crashes the debugger at line 138 of dumpvar.pl.

use Mac::Processes;
open(OUT, ">:Output") || die "can't open file\n";
while (($psn, $pi) = each %Process) {
print OUT "Hello World\n";
# ---- Here file "Output" is OK
while (($psn, $pi) = each %Process) {
# ---- Here file "Output" is corrupted

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